Wow.. once
again here I am apologizing for the long break between posts! I’m sorry, sorry, sorry! Derek’s work schedule has been crazy for the
last nearly month and a half because they are down to two CDL drivers (him and
another employee) and so he is traveling on the calf route at least every other
day. Or, in this week’s case, three days
in a row!! So, needless to say, we don’t
get to see each other much, and when we do, posting on the blog is not really a
top priority, no offense to the readers!!
things have been very wild around the Segerstrom household lately. It’s mostly just been myself and the children
and I’ve grown accustomed to taking them pretty much everywhere now. I’ve mastered the art of rounding up three
children, loading them into the car, and keeping a close eye on them when we go
One Sunday in particular was
an interesting day… I was all alone and
readied myself and all the children for church, loaded and unloaded them in the
pouring rain, sat through the church service (in the nursery mind you, and with
all the children playing, plus one other little boy, I didn’t catch much of
anything), then reloaded them all into the vehicle, let Hannah take a quick
nap, loaded them again, traveled to Clear Lake for a birthday party, unloaded
them, visited with old friends and ate some cake, loaded them again, drove back
to Forest City, attended a graduation reception at church, and let Roen and
Audrey run around and play while I ate and visited. Phew!!!
I was exhausted after all that.
Well, I
would like to take a moment to play catch up.
I had a few posts that I had all ready to put up, but never got the
chance. So, here they are, about a month
A Surprise for Daddy
*** keep in mind, this was the original post from the end of April ***
*** keep in mind, this was the original post from the end of April ***

I thought of
the idea as we were pulling into town.
We stopped at the local farm supply store because the children wanted to
look at the baby chicks. Little did they
know we were going to bring some home with us!! ;]
Derek has
been talking about getting some more birds since our other ones got picked off
by an owl. This time he wanted to get
some meat birds. I still wanted egg
layers because I love having fresh eggs whenever we need them. He thought 10 was a good number.
So we picked
out 10 Cornish broilers for Daddy, and I picked out 4 brown egg layers for the
family. I think they’re called
Americanas. I thought 4 eggs a day would
be fine for now. Last summer we were
collecting a dozen eggs a day and I couldn’t give them away fast enough!!
We purchased
the chicks and some supplies (wood shavings, chicken starter feed, and water
troughs). We changed them into clean
boxes with fresh bedding and gave them fresh feed and water, and put a heat
lamp over them.
Derek was
sure surprised!! But he was pleased
:]. One less thing for him to have to
worry about! And as an added bonus, I
have taken on the responsibility of caring for them. It’s a constant chore because they eat, eat,
eat and drink, drink, drink. And because
they eat and drink so much, they also poop, poop, poop!!
We started
them off in two cardboard boxes, as I said.
One for the meat birds, one for the egg layers. The next day I combined them to one box. The day after that, I transferred them to our
little plastic wading pool. I wrapped
the outside with a roll of thick craft paper.
This way they wouldn’t jump out of the pool, and it also serves as a
draft shield. Temperature is a big deal
when raising chicks. You have to protect
them from drafts.
I used 2 ice
cube trays to hold their feed. It was
something we already had on hand, and it’s practically the same as the feeder
you would buy for them in the store. I
purchased two water troughs that connect with another container that holds the
water. I just use two large canning jars. Their bedding is, of course, wood
Today I just
upgraded them to a 1-gallon waterer. I
couldn’t keep up with having to constantly refill the other two. Plus, this one can hang, so they can’t kick
their bedding into it and get it all dirty.
My how they
have grown in just a few weeks!!!! The
meat birds are so plump, and their feet are huge!! We have recently moved them into a bigger
encloser, our old rabbit hutch. Derek
and I built it ourselves :]. It will be
their temporary home until they are large enough so that they can’t squeeze
through the wire of their permanent home.
We no longer have to keep them under a heat lamp, either. As the weeks passed, I gradually raised the
lamp higher and higher until their bodies adjusted to the temperature and they
were weaned off of it.
All I can
say is it’s been really fun watching them, seeing how they’ve grown and
changed, and listening to their little peep, peep, peeps! It’s crazy to think that in about 6-8 weeks
we will have 10 big and healthy
chickens to pop into our freezer!!
I decided to
name my egg layers. I picked all names
that start with the letter H. They are
called Henrietta, Heather, Helena, and Hilary.
Well, so
much for that. We are now down to just 4
meat birds. Three of my egg layers were
pecked to death by the Cornish hens a few weeks ago. As of Monday morning, when I went out to feed
and water them, I found three dead chickens laying in the cage and only 3 live
chickens, very disturbed, huddled in the corner. Let’s do the math… I started off with 14 birds. Three were killed by the others, so that
makes 11. Now I have 3 dead and 3
live. That makes..6. What happened to the other 5?
Well, I kept hearing a cheep, cheep, cheep
coming from somewhere in the cage. I
thought it was coming from one of the dead hens, like it was just barely
alive. I finally realized it was coming
from underneath an ice cream bucket that I had used to water the chickens. One of them was trapped underneath. I lifted the bucket to find a hen with a
chunk taken out of her rear end. That bucket
probably saved her life!! So now I had 4
live chickens, but that still leaves the missing ones.
After some investigating, I found blood on
the sides of the cage, and feathers and etc. around the outsides with a trail
leading into the woods. Some nasty
varmint pulled my poor chickens through their cage, a space that was probably
only about 2 maybe 3 inches wide, and
hauled them off and ate them…. Ok… I didn’t spend time and money raising these
birds for US to enjoy, so some critter could have a smorgasbord…
So we set a live trap using one of the dead
chickens as bait and we’re waiting patiently to catch the raccoon or possum or
mink or whatever it was and that will be that.
I hope. Oh the joys of farm
life! I’ve become quite accustomed to
dead things.
Moving on….
Day for Daughters
(April 27th)
(April 27th)
Every year
our church hosts a special event in honor of Mothers’ Day. It’s called “Day for Daughters” because, if
we are female, we are all a daughter to someone. On this day we are served a delicious meal
(I’m not kidding… whenever our church makes the food, it’s always delicious!!), and we are encouraged by a special
This year
the theme was from 1 Corinthians 10:31, “Therefore, whether you eat or drink,
or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” So different ladies that had a special interest
were asked to share how they use it to bring God the glory. I was asked if I would like to share about
this blog! So I prayed about it and felt
this would be another great opportunity to show how we try to “do all to the
glory of God” as a family.
There were
three of us from our church family that shared about our hobbies. Two other topics were about scrapbooking and
home decorating. I loved hearing what
the other ladies had to share. It was
neat how they explained how you can honor the LORD in those activities. You might not think that decorating your
house could be done in a way that is pleasing to God, but it can!! Same with scrapbooking. I really enjoyed hearing from the women of
our church. Normally we bring in a
special speaker who does that sort of thing on a regular basis. This was a lot of fun!
For my part,
I first very basically explained what a blog is, in case not everyone was
familiar with it. Then I shared three
points on why we have a family blog 1.) as an outlet for sharing ideas and the
gifts that God has given us; 2.) to minister to younger wives/mothers/women in
the spirit of Titus chapter 2; 3.) to
share the gospel of Jesus Christ. That is
the most important purpose.
We know we
are nowhere near close to being a “perfect family.” There has never been and never will be such a
thing, but we do strive to be pleasing to God.
Some days we fail miserably. That
is where grace and mercy come in, and God gives us whatever we need so we can
pick ourselves up, dust off our knees, and try again. Praise Him that He is so longsuffering!!!
I also used
this opportunity to share about my brother’s death, and how God brought us
through it. I think it’s very important
for people to see how we have responded in that situation because the Lord gave
us so much peace and strength in a very, very difficult and tragic time. I want everyone to know that that kind of
peace can be theirs, too. But you have
to accept that it only comes from the Lord, Jesus Christ.
I went into
much, much more detail on all of these points, but I can’t remember everything
that I said because I don’t write out a speech word for word, I just jot down
points, and pray that God will give me the words to fill in the rest!
This was a
wonderful time of sharing that I got to spend with my step-mother, Loretta, who
comes with me every year :], my mother-in-law, Aunt Carol, Grandma Muriel, and
sisters-in-law, Emma and Abbie. And of
course, I got to be with my two little girls!!! :-D
I’m very
thankful for the opportunity to have shared about my love for Jesus. This day was a great reminder that everything we do, even eating and
drinking as the verse says, can and should be done to the glory of God!!
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W/ my step mother, Loretta |
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W/ my mother-in-law, Kerri, Aunt Carol, Grandma Muriel, and sisters-in-law, Emma & Abbie |
recently, I just started a new group on facebook, and I’m so surprised at the
response it has gotten! I opened up an
auction site. It’s just like the local
buy/sell/trade sites that I sell things on, but in this case, it’s not “first
come, first serve” . Members are able to
bid on the things they would like to purchase, so if someone really wants an
item, they can pay however much they want for it.
After just 2 days, the group member count was
up to 180 people! I’ve sold a few things
already and have been totally shocked at the items people are in bidding wars
over! The things I thought would go for
a lot have gone for a little and the things I thought would go for a little
have gone for a lot!! It’s very
interesting! You can check it out at
I’ve been painting and repurposing things like
crazy lately. I haven’t let the rain
slow me down. Whenever the sun peaks out
from behind the clouds, we’re back outside again working, working,
working! And if it is raining then I’m
doing the finishing touches on projects inside.
I’m kind of
in a rush to raise some mullah quickly because Derek and I are preparing to
celebrate our 5th wedding
anniversary on June 14th!!!!
Hooray!!! :-D I am taking on the
fun and challenge of planning the entire weekend getaway AND I’m going to try
to fund it all, as a special gift to my husband and best friend. I can’t go into any details because it’s all
a surprise. All I can say is, we are
LONG overdue for a getaway (this will be the first one in the 4 years since we’ve
had children) and it is going to be soooooo much fun!!! Derek is going to
looove it! :D
Also, Monday
was my… get ready for this… 28th
BIRTHDAY!!!! How can it be?!?!? I
feel so ooold! I’m almost 30! I’m trying to compile a list of “30 Things to do
before I’m 30”!! So stay tuned!
A good friend of mine, Jessica Jordal, and I have teamed up in an effort to lose weight! Every morning, as long as the weather is cooperating, we take the children for a 4 mile walk. She pushes one stroller and I push a stroller. It's been working out great! It really is a work out, too!
We keep a food diary and share it with eachother every day. We have to keep track of everything we eat and drink. We have specific rules that we have to follow too, or we face a penalty at the discretion of the other person! Here are our rules:
1.) we must include at least one fruit or veggie with every meal.
2.) we have to drink at least 32 oz. water a day
3.) we have to do 30 minutes of additional exercise aside from the walk
4.) we have to keep track of our Spiritual food, too!! We have to read at least 3 chapters of the Bible a day.
I think that's it. If we feel the other person didn't make good food choices, or didn't do additional exercise (I get busted for that regularly!), or didn't read their Bible, that person has to do a punishment. 10 pushups, 10 sits up, and 10 jumping jacks X however many necessary. One day I had to do 40 of each.
It's been really good for both of us. It's a nice time to get together to chat and talk about Biblical things, and the exercise is great. I'm really thankful for this time and friendship! :]
We've been doing it for about 3 weeks. We weigh ourselves only on Thursdays and set a goal weight for each week. We've both lost weight every week, but haven't always met our goal weight. So far I've lost about 5 lbs and I'm excited!! It's currently on hold as it rained every day last week, and this week Jessica is visiting California for a week!
Can't wait to post again and tell you about our exciting weekend! Derek had 3 days off and we celebrated Colton's (my brother-in-laws) graduation ceremony and reception AND my 28th b-day!! :-D