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"i will praise You, o LORD, with my whole heart; i will tell of all Your marvelous works. i will be glad and rejoice in You; i will sing praise to Your name, o Most High." - psalm 9: 1-2

Friday, April 26, 2013

World's Easiest Scrambled Eggs!!

This “recipe” is by no means mind blowing, but I think you’ll appreciate the handy little trick you’ll learn from it!  As a mother of three, I know a mom is always looking for ways to serve decent meals to her family.  We’ve all heard it a million times before, but I do believe breakfast really is the most important meal of the day.  It sets the stage.  If you skip it or eat junk, you won’t be satisfied and hunger will steal your attention all day.  

Breakfast doesn’t have to be boring!!  But it doesn’t have to take hours to prepare either.  I want to be a help to mothers, not a burden, so I present to you this very simple, but cute, suggestion.  Enjoy!

See what I mean when I say easy?  This meal consists of peanut butter toast with a raisin smiley face and scrambled eggs with cheese.  Children love anything that has a smiley face on it!  For some reason when you put it on food, it just makes it taste better.  

The interesting part of this meal is how I made the scrambled eggs.  You’ll love this trick.  You’ll also love the fact that there is very little mess involved! 

World’s Easiest Scrambled Eggs
Take one egg.  Break it into a small bowl or glass 1-cup measuring cup.  Stir it around with a fork.  Set aside.  Now take one silicone cupcake liner (see blue on photo).  Sprinkle some shredded cheese on the bottom of liner.  Pour the egg into the liner and add more cheese on top.   Prepare one for each family member.   Set all liners on a microwave-safe plate.  Microwave for 1 ½ - 2 minutes.  Egg will pop right out of the liner for eating.  Caution: may be very hot.

See how simple that was?  I bet you can’t wait for breakfast time to roll around so you can try it!  Feel free to mix it up.  Add some tiny bits of ham, or peppers.  Anything that you like to eat with your eggs should be included in this recipe.  Throw in some fresh fruit with the toast and eggs and you’ll have a very balanced meal.

Happy eating! :]

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