Today we could really use your prayers. We're just a young family trying to do what's right in God's eyes. We don't claim to be perfect... we're far from it actually. We're just trying to raise our children, love each other, honor the Lord, and enjoy our short time together, but sometimes people try their very best to bring you down. I won't go into details because it's not necessary. I would just like to ask everyone to please, whenever you think of us, please uphold us in prayer. It amazes me the things we've been through as a family in the last 6 months and how God has been very faithful to us, even when we've failed to be faithful to Him. But sometimes just a little thing can throw a big wrench in our day and just really sour our attitudes and scatter our vision. Sometimes it can be hard to get back on course, but God is very gentle and loving and helps us regain our footing. I'm so thankful He's there to catch me when I stumble. And I must be very clumsy because I do that a lot!

Today Derek and I got to go alone to get our taxes done. We do this in the small town of Rowan, IA. Tax time is always an exciting time of the year! :] Grandma Kerri and the girls spent the afternoon with the children for us. She took some adorable pictures of Hannah. I had to steal them and repost!

Just the sweetest little girl ever! SO smiley! She makes her mommie and daddy proud. So do Brother and Sissy :]
Funny story. Audrey was going potty on the toilet when daddy got home. I had every intention of putting a diaper on her when she was done, but hey, we were rushed and it's not a good idea to distract a momma. After we dropped the children off at Grandma's about 15 minutes later, I got a call from my mother-in-law and she said, "You guys must think you're really funny!" I said, "What do you mean?" She said, "Ethan (one of Derek's brothers) was holding Audrey and she peed all over him! She wasn't wearing a diaper!" bahahaaaaa!! Sorry, Ethan! My bad! ;]
After taxes we did a little running in Mason City so I could pick up some supplies. I've got gooood news! I'll be sharing very soon. ;] Another fun opportunity the Lord has provided!
I hope everyone is well and counting your blessings every day. We all have so much to be thankful for, really. Let's all strive to praise God for every THING He gives us. Let's look at every situation, circumstance, whatever and find SOMETHING in it for which we can give thanks to God! If we truly want our hearts to be full of joy, we have to start with giving thanks for all things. The key to changing your thoughts is by first changing your heart, and we can do that by filling it with things we're thankful for. Hope this makes sense!! Remember,
Think Thankful Thoughts!! ;]
I'll be praying for you, I hope you get as good of a refund as we did this year, I love tax time.