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"i will praise You, o LORD, with my whole heart; i will tell of all Your marvelous works. i will be glad and rejoice in You; i will sing praise to Your name, o Most High." - psalm 9: 1-2

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Fav. Finds - Weekend Edition

I'm a bit late on this, but have to share nonetheless.

We were all so looking forward to a nice, quiet weekend at home.  We had anything but that!!!  It was actually quite adventuresome!!  I can’t remember a time we were this busy. 

Derek had the entire weekend off.  He didn't obligate himself to have to be anywhere.  Last Saturday started off with me having to meet a lady for something she was purchasing from me off buy/sell/trade.  Then Derek decided he and all the kids would ride along and we’d go to the bank to deposit some money for the apartments that he manages as a part-time (ha, more like 2nd full-time) job. 

Before we left, his grandma Muriel called and needed a ride to the pharmacy to get a prescription refilled.  We picked her up and decided to take her to the town of Garner with us.  After finishing at the bank, we took her to the Goodnature Store so she could pick out some “slacks” as she calls them.  She’s very excited because tomorrow, my brother-in-law, Austin, is taking her to Arizona so she can visit her little brother and his wife!  Correct me if I’m wrong somebody, but I think he is her last living sibling.  She’s so excited!  We also had her pick out a brand new outfit to wear on her trip.  She chose a turquoise corduroy pants and vest suit.  It was cute to see how giddy she was to wear it.  After that we took her to Pizza Ranch for lunch. Yuuum!  We love Pizza Ranch. 

We headed back to town and dropped Grandma off.  Then the kids went down for a nap and I left for my shopping trip.  I didn't go crazy, like I said I wouldn't.  I did get some more picture frames for my Monograms. 

I saw something really cool at one of my fav thrift stores!  They’re having a “Recycling and Repurposing” contest!!  All you have to do is submit a “before and after” photo of something that you repurposed.  Part of the project had to be purchased from them.  The winner gets a $50 gift card to that store!!  I have until April to enter.  EEEEEEEEEE!! What a cool idea!

Now I’ll present some of my
****** FAV FINDS!!! ****** 

            I purchased these shirts for Roen off Buy/Sell/Trade.  I got them ALL for just $5!!!  Awesome deal!  Roen needed some shirts for this summer as he is outgrowing his short sleeves from last year.  
He likes the purple one the best. 

I found these book ends for $1.  And they’re already black, and already have some paint rubbed off around the edges so they look “worn.”  Hooray!! I’m keeping these for at the house.

I found more Golden Books for the children.  Some of them I’m not keeping for us because we already have them.  Those will be sold on Ebay.  This one in particular made me LOL when I opened the cover.  It used to belong to our Pastor’s son!  Small world!  I’m going to get his address and mail it to him.  Hopefully he’ll get as big a kick out of it as I did!

I was glad to get out of the house alone again, but I don’t enjoy shopping in Mason on a Saturday.  Everything is too busy.  And stuff is all picked over at the thrift stores.  But that’s just as well.  Like I said before, I have too many projects in the waiting.  I got home late that night. 

Sunday was a wild and unplanned day, for sure!  But we had fun!  We were going to go to my hometown to visit my family, so we decided to go to church there, too.  On our way we called Dad and Loretta and it turns out they were on their way to Des Moines to see friends!!  Oops!  And Mom has been sick for like a week, so we didn’t want to catch that.  Oops again!  We still visited the church and heard a great message by a newly saved young man.  Afterward they had a lunch for new people and visitors.  It was great because as I looked around the auditorium I saw a ton of my former high school teachers!  I was happy to see so many people I knew.  I got to talk with one of my teachers at the lunch and we told a group of people our Eight Days of Hope VIII story, and encouraged them to check out the website.  I hope they do!  There’s a trip coming up at the beginning of March.  

After church we stopped over to Mom and Larry’s to drop off the monogram that was given as a prize off this blog.  Mom called us back and said, “Larry just got a tablet.  He wants to know if you guys want it?”  haha what a phone call!  So we went back and got it.  It’s pretty nice.  Just not what he wanted, I guess.  Thanks, Lars!!  :]

Roen always likes to play house and pretend that Audrey is his wife.  He tells her, “Audrey, you are a good wife.”  On the ride home he said to me, “Mommie, one of the boys at that church told me I’m not married!” He was pretty upset about it.  He must have introduced her as his wife instead of his little sister.  hahaa

This next photo is my 
**** Ultimate Fav Find **** 
and all the credit goes to my husband!!  

About a week ago he was looking on Craigslist.com and saw a listing for a corner Jacuzzi/whirlpool bathtub for super, super cheap!!  He emailed and asked if it was still available.  The seller emailed back and said it had just sold that morning.  He was kind of bummed to miss out on such a great deal.  Well, as we were leaving my hometown after the church service and lunch, we got an email on Derek’s phone that said, “The last sale fell through, I was wondering if you were still interested in the tub!”  AAAAAH!  Derek was very excited.  He called the man and said, “So where are you from?  Forest City, Mason City, Clear Lake?” and the man said, “Actually.. I’m from the Twin Cities…”  Derek had mistakenly looked on the Minneapolis craigslist.  But you know what.. we wanted to visit the cities again anyway!  We were actually just talking about it the day before!  So we decided we’d take a road trip and go get this great deal of a tub!  Take a gander at it!!!!!

I can’t wait to use it.  We’re planning an awesome remodel of our basement and this will go in our master bathroom.  Derek wins for best find of the week! 

We had fun visiting Minneapolis.  The ride didn’t take long at all.  The children had their new books to look at, so that kept them very busy.  Derek has a cousin who lives up there, so we got the chance to see him and his wife, too.  He met us at a cool little café and I had some great pizza.  Once again, we got home really late. 

So that was our crazy weekend!  One trip after another.  Even though it was super busy and go, go, go we still enjoyed our time.  Might as well.  We’re not promised another minute on this earth.  :]  

Here is a super sweet photo of our two little sissies holding hands during the car ride.  After this, all three were holding hands!  :-D

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