Man, on a day like today it feels and looks like spring is right around the corner!! But we all know how wishy-washy winter can be. One day it’ll be so nice and sunny, the next day we could have a blizzard! I hope spring IS coming soon, though. I have so much I can’t wait to get outside and do! Namely, ride my new bike, go for walks, and spray paint!!!!!! I have sooo many project just-a waiting for a fresh coat of paint! I’ve got the refurbish fever!
Did you have a great Valentine’s Day!?!?! I did!! We didn’t do what we originally had planned, but we still enjoyed time together as a family. Daddy came home with all of these goodies, just for ME!!!
He knows the way to my heart… through my stomach. Usually that’s what they say about men.. but anyone who knows me knows I like me some food!! He got me my all-time fav pop, Dr. Pepper (has to be in a can!!), my favorite raspberry salad from the deli, FRESH CUT pineapple!!!!! I’ve been waiting for this since I had Hannah!!!! He also got me more beautiful flowers, aloe-infused socks, body scrub that smells delish, and my all-time fav pens. Not pictured was a frosted sugar cookie from Casey’s. The reason it’s not pictured is because I ate it. Oops!! Also not pictured, was the grade finale!! He got me a big Rubbermaid!!!! You’re probably thinking, “??????,” Here’s the deal… we don’t have a bathtub..and baths are kinda my thing. When I want to relax, I take a niiiice, looong bath. It’s hard to take a bath when you don’t have a tub. So he got me a big tote and we put it in the shower and filled it with water and I soaked and soaked and… aaaaaah. Don’t laugh at me. Desperate times call for desperate measures!!
All together as a family we went to Pizza Hut. It was nice to just go someplace in town for supper. And we got stuffed crust, which Roen loved.

What’s that? What did I do for Derek? Nothing. I’m so lame!!!! I can’t even believe that, I’m so embarrassed! But I really wasn’t expecting him to get me all that he did! I wasn’t expecting him to get me anything! He’s super sweet, though. I’m, like I said, lame. Usually I like make a heart-shaped cake or something. Don’t ask me what happened this year.
Since yesterday was my normal shopping day, but it was Valentine’s Day, I’m going to go tomorrow night. So, tune in to see my Fav-Finds!!! I’m not going to go crazy like I did on the last shopping trip, though. I’ve got waaaay too many projects on the list right now. Unless I find some super good deal or one-of-a-kind something..I probably won’t get much for buy/sell/trade. But who knows!
Daddy and two of his Valentines :]
p.s. he shaved off his mustache, so now he looks like an Amish man.
Glad you had a great Valentine's Day! Missed you yesterday.