Just another friendly family update!
This week has been great as far as buy/sell/trade sales! I’m so thankful that God is blessing that little business endeavor of ours. It has made for some late nights though, staying up after the children go to bed trying to get photos taken and sale items posted… It’s important to not get carried away. Take a look at the thermometer and see how it’s moving up, up, up!! Doggies, here we come! :]
Yesterday we decided we needed to get the children out of the house. It’s been awhile for them. I suggested going to a restaurant that had a play place so they could climb around and wear off some energy. We took Derek’s grandma, Muriel, with us. We really enjoy spending time with her. She already ate supper, but we were heading to McDonald’s, so she got dessert.
First, we had to stop at one of my all-time-fav stores, Hobby Lobby. They were having a paper sale, so I stocked up for my custom monograms. I’m soo excited to get started on those. Anyway, I spent probably way too much money on paper, but I know I’ll make it all back eventually.
We got to McDonald’s a little later than we would have liked to. We had to eat quick so the kids could play before the Play Place closed. Roen was pretty nervous to climb up all by himself, so Audrey and I showed him how. He’s a little self-conscious and kind of nervous about trying new things. We’re really trying to work on building him up a little more. We got to the top and it was all tunnels and Audrey wasn’t having it. She screamed and cried. I got her to the twirly slide and we went down. She tried to act tough when we got to the bottom. Roen went down with me next. After he explored a little he was much more confident and happily played by himself. Audrey went back up with her daddy, but she clung to his chest like a baby koala!! I would have taken pictures, but the battery on Derek’s phone was too low. Bummer. Roen didn’t want to leave, but unfortunately we got booted out. Not really. It was just 9pm and time to go. It was a nice little family adventure.
I’ve started working on some pre-made monograms to sell. My cousin, Leatha, invited me to participate in a great fundraiser idea for her son, Cole. He was born early at 29 weeks and has been fighting like a little champ! They finally got to bring him home. The fundraiser is a vendor fair put on by a friend of hers. It’s sometime in March in Fort Dodge. All her friend asks is that vendors give a portion, like 10%, of their profit to help Cole with medical needs/equipment. I thought that was a great idea, and I would be honored to help. So I’m trying to get some pieces, hopefully LOTS of pieces, done for the fair. You could help by visiting and purchasing. I’ll fill you in on the real details when I get them.
Soon, soon, soon I’ll be taking orders for custom monograms. I’m just trying to set up an easy-to-understand order process. I’ll fill you in on that too, when it’s ready.
We had no church again this morning due to the ice and rain we just got. It’s so far been a nice day to spend together. Earlier this week I wrote a very special, personal song for Taylor. It’s to the tune of Taylor Swift’s song Ronan about a little boy who died of cancer. I sang it for Derek today for the first time. It was pretty emotional. I want to share it at another time, a very special time, but I can’t discuss that just yet.
I hope everyone had a great week! Enjoy these fun photos of our family…Oh, by the way, don’t forget to check back tomorrow, it’s Something I Made Monday!!
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Audrey likes to play with only the lego tires and this "guy!" as she calls him. |
I just love reading your blogs Becky, it makes the distance between us not seem so far.